Medina, sections 18+ – 26 (12/20/20)

To start with, I think this feature photo is THE funniest sign we have run across on the BT so far! The owner also had an AIR MAIL postal box two stories high on a telephone pole- must be quite a character. In the past I have used artistic, nature or ‘blue blaze’ photos, but I think the current times call for a little levity and HUMOR! I am not really artistic anyway- nothing has rubbed off from the three artists I travel with on these long hikes. Maybe I will gain some art skills over the next 1000+ miles of BT hiking. Today we retraced our steps through the two parks, Richfield Heritage and Hinckley, because Robin had not hiked them yet and we needed to hike the short connecting roads…we did cheat a little with some shortcuts in Hinckley because we were getting tired and it was spitting rain. Was another mudder on the trails (not surprising as it rained all night) mixed with snow. Took a picture of the upper Heritage lake at same angle as I did in summer feature photo of 8/9/20- lake was completely frozen over. It was fun to see footprints of animals cross the ice of lakes, especially the long foot trail across the lower Jinelle lake! Do the critters go through anytime? When we passed by the Kirby house we ran into some volunteers of Heritage Park- both were extremely friendly and interested in our adventures- so we gave each one of our ‘Creepers’ BT cards to share with their friends- I know, shameless marketing…Highlights along road included a muddy Tweety bird, an assortment of friendly farm animals (they ALWAYS seem so interested in us and come over to say Hi- which April enthusiastically returns), and a cool house that was maybe a church at one time but had an interesting meditation garden (?) out front. Robin and Wendy finished up the hike on a spirited note by singing songs that mentioned ‘miles’ in the lyrics (“25 miles to go, girl, my feet are hurting pretty bad”…yeah, you got that right Edwin, and the Proclaimer’s “But I will walk 500 miles, and I will walk 500 more just to be the man who walks 1000 miles just to fall down at your door…not sure about that one guys).

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